Butterflies in my tummy
Nervous chatter in the line
Taking off every excess piece of clothing I could think of
Sound familiar?
Yes, this was me last night at my first weigh in after Christmas. I was absolutely convinced the scales were going to have a big + sign on it. I gingerly stepped on the scales, held my breath and relief . . .
I had stayed the same.
I was so good over the Christmas period, I even pointed my Christmas dinner. I was hoping for a loss, but after an unfortunate car accident last week . . . one dislocated collar bone later and not to mention a lot of swelling, I was praying to not have a huge gain. To say I was relieved with a STS is an understatement.
My beautiful sling! |
I sat as proud as punch throughout the meeting, and eagerly awaited the news about the new programme that has been circulating facebook for weeks now. As our leader explained the plan, I began to weigh up if I'd like to do a plan with no pointing or not.
The concept of the new Simple Start is well . . . simple! It brings eating back to basics . . . eating filling, healthy meals until you are full and limiting the rubbish. It's good old "mammy meals" that leave you feeling comfortably full, and reduce your want to tuck into the biscuit time. It's balanced, well rounded meals that tick all the boxes in terms of proteins, carbs, dairy etc. There is also room for 2 treats a day from the selected list which will be my saving grace (I love my treats!). From what I understand, in week two, you can choose to either start pointing again, or you can do Simple Start meals but use 49 weeklies for extra treats outside of the the listed Simple Start foods. So i'm willing to go "cold turkey" and give the Simple Start my all this week, and then add in my 49 weeklies next week. If it's not for me, then I can always change back to my pointing . . . but it's worth a go.
I am a keen pointer. I love knowing I have a certain amount of points for treats. But I also have a lot of self discipline and know when I'm full, I'm full and I need to stop eating. I did the "Core" plan when I first joined ww in 2008 and I loved it. I am hoping that once I get my head around this plan, it will be a welcome change from the Pro Points! The only worry I had about the programme is how I could make it work around my gluten & wheat intolerance. My gluten free pasta and bread isn't included on the list of SS food, so I decided I needed to write out a food plan to properly plan my meals.
Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance! I got very excited last night and planned out my weeks meals . . from the moment I get up until I go to bed! I was excited to see what meals I could plan out, and reisited the urge to point my meals. I'm going to share my weekly plan with you all, excuse the length of it! I have included EVERYTHING that I might eat over the day. The snacks are of course optional. It might help some of you who are unsure what to make for dinner this week, or you might be able to help me out if I've gone wrong somewhere!
Here's to a great week, a new challenge and hopefully and kick start on the scales next week!
Simple Start Week One Plan:
Day One:
Hot water and lemon
Gluten Free Porridge with Cinnamon & Banana
0% Fat Greek Yogurt
Chopped Fruit
Optional Snack:
Stewed Fruit eg Stewed Apple, Pear and Raspberry
Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato Soup
Optional Snack:
Sugar Free Jelly
Chicken Curry with Chickpeas and Sweet Potato & whole grain rice
Optional Snacks:
Sugar Free Jelly
Air popped popcorn
Choc x 2 squares & Meringue Nest x 1
Water (with our without lemon & lime), Tea, Diet Coke.
Day Two:
Hot water and lemon
Gluten Free Porridge with Cinnamon & Banana
0% Fat Greek Yogurt
Chopped Fruit
Bacon, Poached Egg, Baked Beans, Mushrooms & Gf Bread
Optional Snack:
Carrots and home made humus
Stew (Stewing Steak, Potatoes, Butternut Squash, Carrots, Onion)
Wholegrain Rice.
Optional Snacks:
Sugar Free Jelly and low fat custard
Air popped popcorn
Choc x 2 squares
Water (with our without lemon & lime), Tea, Diet Coke.
Day 3:
Hot water and lemon
Gluten Free Porridge with Stewed Apple & Cinnamon
0% Fat Greek Yogurt
Chopped Fruit
Vegetable Soup with Chickpeas
Optional Snack:
0% Greek yogurt with chopped fruit
Sugar Free Jelly
Shepherds Pie
(Extra Lean Mince, Potatoes, Carrots, Onion)
Optional Snacks:
Sugar Free Jelly
Air popped popcorn
Choc x 2 squares
Meringue Nest x 1
Water (with our without lemon & lime), Tea, Diet Coke.
Day Four
Hot water and lemon
Gluten Free Porridge with Stewed Fruit
0% Fat Greek Yogurt
Chopped Fruit
Tuna and Sweetcorn with wholegrain Rice
Optional Snacks
Sugar Free Jelly
Fruit Salad
Pork Chops
Roast Vegetables
Roast Potatoes
Sweet Corn
Optional Snack:
Sugar free Jelly & Custard
Stewed Fruit
Choc x 2 squares
Water (with our without lemon&lime), Tea, Diet Coke.
Day Five:
Banana Pancakes
0% Greek Yogurt
Red Berry Comport
Potato and Sweet corn Soup
Optional Snacks
Sugar Free Jelly
Fruit Salad
Extra Lean Mince
Chick Peas
Kidney Beans
Tin of Tomato
Coriander, Cumin and Chili
Whole Grain Rice
Optional Snacks
Eton Mess-Meringue x 1
0% fat Greek Yogurt
Red Berries
Fruit Salad
Choc x 2 squares
Water (with our without lemon &lime), Tea, Diet Coke.
Repeat for day 6 & 7
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