Hi all,
Sorry I haven't updated in a week or so. I really was knocked for six with my shoulder/neck issue. I am finally feeling less stiff and am so thankful to be back on my feet again. I managed to loose one lb despite feeling like a balloon! I was stuck inside for around a week, most of that stuck on the sofa and I have to be honest...I absolutely hated it. A few months ago I would have loved an excuse to have a lazy week, pig out and to just veg on the sofa. But last week I felt like I was being robbed! I felt lazy, sluggish and claustrophobic. I just wanted to get out side and breathe. It made me realise I have really grown to enjoy going for my walks. I started to crave getting back on my feet and clearing my head with a good walk.

I absolutely love the feeling of sticking on a hoody, my joggers, my runners and putting the dog on her lead and just walking. And that is something I really missed last week. So needless to say when I managed to get to the beach on Wednesday morning for a stroll I felt like I was blowing the cobwebs off. I felt more alive and just grateful to be back on my feet again. It's time that I just enjoy being by myself. It gives me time to clear my head, walk off any worries I may have, and just get back to me. For me, exercise and eating healthily go hand in hand. If I've been for a really nice walk, I am more likely to cook a lovely, healthy & filling dinner rather than undo my hard work by eating rubbish. And as a result, I feel even better.
This week I have managed to get out for two big walks, one with my friend and fellow weightwatcher-er Sarah and one by myself out in a fabulous forest. The walk with Sarah was a great achievement for me as I had attempted the same walk around 6 months previously and I nearly died. I was completely out of breath, and had to stop 5 times on route to the top of the hill. This time, myself and Sarah powered up the hill, and I felt great once we reached the top. It made me embarrassed to look back at how unfit I was, but more so I was proud that I have come as far as I have so far.
The second walk I went on was meant to be my first c25k attempt. I headed out the park/forest that I intended to try to jog for the first time in around 5 years. I was all geared up, app installed, water ready and dog excited. I got to the park and started my warm up. All was going well, until I started to jog. I slowly started to realise my joggers were sliding down my legs. I managed to grab them before they ended up around my ankles and tried to continue my jog. But alas, it was not to be. Trying to juggle an excited dog who was wondering what the heck I was doing, and my jogging bottoms who were making a bid for freedom was too difficult. The old me would have packed it in (well realistically the old me would have still been sat on the sofa) and written off the experience. Instead, I figured my bottoms stayed up while I walked so myself and Hollydog headed off for a walk/hike around the forest. Almost 2 hours later, a very puffed me and a very panty Holly collapsed into the car. And boy oh boy, did I feel great. I think I am slowly learning that the main thing is not to make up excuses, to try and make the best out of a situation. The only one I would be fooling is myself.
I am feeling pretty optimistic about tomorrows weigh in. I've been very motivated this week and have been really organised. I am feeling the benefits from all my hard work and I genuinely feel like this is now a lifestyle for me, not a diet or a fad. I don't feel hard done by, or that I am depriving myself. I feel quite the opposite. I am taking care of myself and my body is thanking me for it.
Not only are the lbs coming off, but little things like my skin and nails are improving.
And I for one am feeling wonderful as result!
Onwards and downwards!
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